В связи с запуском новой версии портала прекращается техническая поддержка данной версии!!!
Open Joint Stock Company "UzKTJM" Uzbek Refractory and heat-resistant metals
Address: 1, Khaidarova str., Chirchik city, Tashkent region, 111709, Republic of Uzbekistan
Phone number: +998 70 717-31-77
The website: www.uzktjm.uz
E-mail info@uzktjm.uz
Functions Duties

  • production of tungsten concentrate;

  • Production of tungsten products;

  • recycling of tungsten raw materials;

  • processing of molybdenum middlings;

  • Improvement and enrichment of tungsten ores;

  • tungsten wire.

  • for round and flat-rolled steel and non-ferrous metals from the raw materials of the customer;

  • for the production of various ceramic products according to plan;

  • assembly of electrical equipment of any capacity;

  • the development of design - the technical documentation for the manufacture of non-standard equipment, parts, components;

  • for the production of both standard and non-standard equipment and parts.





Assadov Ilkhom Sadykovich

Chairman of the Board

Najmiddinov Zenur Fakhriyevich

Chief engineer

Popular services



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Consideration of applications

Appointments to the leadership of the state body

