В связи с запуском новой версии портала прекращается техническая поддержка данной версии!!!
Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan

100, M.Ulugbek str., Tashkent, 100000, Republic of Uzbekistan

Phone number: +99871 269-8200
The website: www.mudofaa.uz
E-mail mudofaa@umail.uz


Address Phone


Southwestern special military district - the city of Karshi (Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Bukhara, Navoi, Samarkand and Jizzakh region)

180200, Kashkadarya region., Pos. Beshkent


Eastern Military District - the city of Margilan (Ferghana, Andijan and Namangan regions)

151100, Fergana region., Margilan


Tashkent military district - Tashkent (Tashkent region, Tashkent and Syrdarya regions)

1000000, Tashkent, st. Mirzo-Ulugbek 102


Northwestern Military District - the city of Nukus (Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region)

230100, Nukus


Functions Duties

  • management of subordinate troops;

  • implementation of the state policy in the field of defense and military construction;

  • equipping the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan troops with modern weapons, military equipment and logistical support;

  • expansion of military cooperation;

  • organization of recruitment and training of the Armed Forces.

  • is responsible for the production of the conceptual foundations of the national military strategy, the construction and development of the Armed Forces;

  • provides strategic and operational planning, management of combat operations;develops and implements measures for operational and combat training, adapting their organizational structure to the forms and methods of using the troops;

  • issues within its competence, directives and orders are binding for all ministries, state committees and departments, Commanders arms and services, associations, formations and units of the Armed Forces.

  • principal organ of operational strategic management of the Armed Forces, military districts and military units of the ministries, state committees and agencies.

Full name


Days of reception


Azizov Abdusalom Abdumavlonovich


Second Tuesday of the month

17:00 - 18:00

Ergashev Pavel Ismailovich

First Deputy Minister

Third Tuesday of the month

17:00 - 18:00

Ikramov Aziz Israilovich Deputy minister First and third Tuesday of the month 15:00 - 18:00
Muratov Doniyor Shodibayevich Deputy minister First and third thursday of every month 15:00 - 18:00
Burkhanov Akhmad Jamolovich Deputy minister Second and third wednesday of every month 10:00-13:00
Ibadullayev Atabek Sapabayevich Deputy minister First and third friday of every month 15:00 - 18:00
Melibayev Jakhongir Anvarovich Deputy minister Second and fourth thursdays of every month 10:00-13:00
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