Address: |
Phone number: | +998 71 264-66-33 |
The website: | | |
Full name of the structural joint-stock company |
Short name of the structural joint-stock company |
Mailing address |
Telephone number |
Email address |
Joint-stock company «Uzagrotexmash» |
JSC «Uzagrotexmash» |
Tashkent city, Buyuk Ipak Yuli street, 434 |
(0-371) 264-06-16 |
Joint-stock company «Uzagrolizing» |
JSC «Uzagrolizing» |
Tashkent city, Abay street, 4А |
(0-371) 244-62-73 |
Joint-stock company «Uzagroservis» |
JSC «Uzagroservis» |
Tashkent city, Abay street, 4А |
(0-371) 244-52-92 |
Functions | Duties |
Full name |
Position |
Reception days |
Reception time |
Karimov Mukhtor Akbarovich |
Chairman |
Monday - Friday |
8:00-11:00 |
Abdukhalil Abdurakhimovich Rashidov |
First deputy chairman |
Monday - Friday |
8:00-11:00 |
Azamat Ismailovich Yuldashev |
Deputy chairman – general director of JSC «Uzagrotexmash» |
Monday - Friday |
8:00-11:00 |
Anvar Abdumajitovich Sattarov |
Deputy chairman – general director of JSC «Uzagrolizing» |
Monday - Friday |
8:00-11:00 |
- |
Deputy chairman – general director of JSC «Uzagroservis» |
Monday - Friday |
8:00-11:00 |