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The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on statistics

63, Mustakillik avenue, Tashkent, 100192, Republic of Uzbekistan

Phone number: +99871 230-8152
The website: www.stat.uz
E-mail info@stat.uz
Region Address: Telephone E-mail

The Republic of Karakalpakstan

Nukus city, str A.Dosnazarov 97

+998 (71) 230-8200


Andijan region

Andijan city, str Milliy Tiklanish 36-a

+998 (71) 230-8250


Bukhara region

Bukhara city, str S.Ayni, 3

+998 (71) 230-8300


Jizzakh region

Jizzakh city, str Tukimachilar 7

+998 (71) 230-8350


Kashkadarya region

Karshi city, str Mustakillik 2-uy

+998 (71) 230-8400


Navoi region

Navoi city, str A.Temur 4

+998 (71) 230-8441


Namangan region

Namangan city, str N.Namongoniy 14

+998 (71) 230-8500


Samarkand region

Samarkand city, str U.Tursunov 82

+998 (71) 230-8520


Surkhandarya region

Termez city, str Sulton saodat 62-a

+998 (71) 230-8570


Syrdarya region

Gulustan city, str Nosir Makhmudov 62

+998 (71) 230-8620


Tashkent region

Tashkent city, str Mustаkillik shokh,42

+998 (71) 230-8660


Ferghana region

Ferghana city, str Ma'rifat,22

+998 (71) 230-8720


Khorezm region

Urgench city, str A.Xorazmiy, 93

+998 (71) 230-8770


Tashkent city

100077, Tashkent city, Mustаkillik shokh 63

+998 (71) 230-8006

info@stat.uz, gks@stat.uz

Functions Duties

  • determines, in the study of the demand statistics-term goals and direction, personnel and financial security of the state statistics, develop and submit to the established procedure for the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers of State Statistical Work Programme;

  • Develops, maintains and implements forms of state statistical observations and determine the methods of statistical surveys;

  • ensure implementation of the state statistical work;

  • distributes and ensures that all users have equal access to the public statistical information by improving the methods, procedures and quality of the data;

  • provide state registration and identification of legal entities on the basis of a unified system of classification, the effective operation and development of the Unified State Register of enterprises and organizations, and its integration into the national information system;

  • Development and implementation of a common policy in the field of statistics, ensuring an effective system of statistics organization meeting international requirements and standards;

  • development and implementation of evidence-based, meeting the basic principles of a market economy, a common statistical methodology and metrics that provide national accounts and the relevant international statistical standards;

  • ensure efficiency, accuracy, objectivity and systematic statistical and reporting performance, fully characterize the processes taking place in the economic and social life;

  • Working to increase the accessibility, transparency and openness of statistical information;

  • Creation of the system of organization of statistical work, excluding any interference with the collection, processing and analysis of statistical information.

Full name Position Days of reception Time
Turayev Botir Eshboyevich Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics Saturday 10:00-12:00
Mirusmanov Bakhodir Mirkhosilovich First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics Tuesday 10:00-12:00
- Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics Wednesday 16:00-18:00
- Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics Tuesday 10:00-12:00
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