В связи с запуском новой версии портала прекращается техническая поддержка данной версии!!!
The State Inspection of the Republic of Uzbekistan on supervision for power industry

6, Istiklol str., Tashkent, 100000, Republic of Uzbekistan

Phone number: +99871 233-6582
The website: www.energonazorat.uz
E-mail info@energonazorat.uz
Region Address: Telephone E-mail

The Republic of Karakalpakstan

230100, Nukus city, str Yernazar Olagoz 1



Andijan region

170100, Andijan city, Navoi prospekti 8

(8-3742) 24-4213


Bukhara region

200113, Bukhara city, str Sanoatchilar 2

(8-365) 225-2180


Jizzakh region

130100, Jizzakh city, str Sadovaya 46



Kashkadarya region

180117, Karshi city, str Turkistan 58

(8-375) 226-2164


Navoi region

210600, Karmana city, str R. Kambarov 5

(8-436) 532-4350


Namangan region

160108, Namangan city, str Marghilon 10

(8-3692) 26-7984


Samarkand region

140458, Samarkand city, str Mirsharapov 7

(8-3662) 22-5676


Surkhandarya region

190100, Termez city, At-Termiziy 10



Syrdarya region

120100, Gulistan city, Mustakillik 64

(8-3672) 25-1260


Tashkent region

100000, Tashkent city, str Movaraunnakhr 4



Ferghana region

150100, Ferghona city, str Mustakillik 3

(8-3732) 24-8154


Khorezm region

220100, Urgench city, str Khonka 38

(8-36222) 7-1160


Tashkent city

100000 Tashkent city, str Istiqlol 6



Functions Duties

a) in the prescribed manner shall verify:

  • Compliance with legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, laws and regulations in the production, transmission and consumption of energy;

  • efficient and effective use and compliance with the norms of consumption of electricity, heat and coal enterprises, organizations and institutions of power consumers and their compliance with the policy and guidance documents on the use of electricity, thermal energy and coal;

b) involved into:

  • concept development and national development of the power industry and the coal industry, as well as the implementation of energy conservation measures, programs and projects;

  • assessment of projects and work on acceptance into operation of newly constructed or renovated facilities in terms of ensuring safety in production, transmission and consumption of electricity, as well as coordinates the projects energy consumer objects based on their reliability, safety and compliance with specifications;

c) in the prescribed manner:

  • submit for review to the governments draft normative legal acts in the sphere of production, transmission and consumption of energy and the use of coal;

  • sets out the procedure for the supervised training facilities and test their knowledge on ensuring safe operations and safety at these facilities;

  • defines the technical requirements of the production, transmission and consumption of energy and the use of coal;

  • State control and supervision of the rational and efficient generation, transmission and consumption of electrical energy, thermal energy and the use of coal;

  • monitoring the implementation of preventive measures aimed at ensuring the safety of the production, transmission, consumption of electrical energy, thermal energy and the use of coal;

  • Ensure the development and adoption of necessary laws and regulations in the production, transmission, consumption of electrical energy, thermal energy and the use of coal;

Full name Position Days of reception Time
Nimatullayev Abbosxon Djabborkhonovich Chief Tuesday 15:00-17:00
Egamberdiyevich Umarjon Usmonaliyevich Deputy Chief Friday 15:00-17:00
Popular services



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