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The National Human Rights Centre of the Republic of Uzbekistan

5/3, Mustaqillik Maydoni Tashkent 100029 Uzbekistan

Phone number: +998 71 239 43 39
+998 71 239 13 56
The website: www.nhrc.uz
E-mail info@nhrc.uz
Functions Duties

The functions of the National Human Rights Centre of Uzbekistan can be subdivided into the following directions:

— preparation of national reports on fulfilment of international conventions on human rights, national plans and programmes of actions in the field of human rights and freedoms;

— preparation of recommendations for state bodies on the issues of human rights, provision of consultations and coordination of their activity in this sphere;

— cooperation with non-governmental human rights organisations, provision of consultations in the field of human rights, stimulating and coordination of social initiatives in this sphere;

— development of the strategy for formation of legal culture of population, creation of data base on the issues of human rights and freedoms, publication of the literature on human rights;

— development of cooperation of the Republic of Uzbekistan with international and national organisations in the field of human rights, realisation of joint projects, development of international agreements.

The main tasks of the National Human Rights Centre of Uzbekistan can be subdivided into the following directions:

— development of national action plan and the strategy for realisation of provisions of the Constitution, laws and generally recognized international legal norms in the field of human rights;

— development of cooperation of the Republic of Uzbekistan with international and national organisations in the field of human rights;

— preparation of national reports on observance and protection of human rights in the Republic of Uzbekistan;

— execution of consultative functions for the bodies of state authority and administration, as well as public associations on human rights;

— coordination of activities of state bodies on teaching, propaganda, publication of educational-methodical literature in the field of promotion and protection of human rights;

— creation of data base on realisation and development of human rights in the Republic of Uzbekistan;

— preparation of recommendations for the state bodies on improvement of their activity in the field of observance and protection of human rights;

— conducting and organisation of research on different aspects of promotion and protection of human rights.

F.I.Sh. Lavozim Hafta kunlari Vaqt

Saidov Akmal


Ismailov Ahmad

Deputy Director

Monday - Friday

09:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 18:00

Popular services



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Consideration of applications

Appointments to the leadership of the state body

