В связи с запуском новой версии портала прекращается техническая поддержка данной версии!!!
National Library of Uzbekistan named after A.Navoi

1, Navoi str., Tashkent, 100017, Republic of Uzbekistan,

Phone number: +99871 232-8394
The website: www.natlib.uz
E-mail info@natlib.uz
Functions Duties

  • Participates in the development and implementation of government programs in the field of library and information activities;

  • forms of information and library fund and ensure its safety and provides users with the most complete collection of national and foreign publications in accordance with the law;

  • receives the required copies of the publications produced in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as copies of the thesis;

  • maintains the state bibliographic control and statistical control of publications produced in the Republic of Uzbekistan;

  • Implement and coordinate research and scientific and methodological work in the field of library and book science.

  • Participation in the implementation of the state policy in the field of library and information activities;

  • providing users access to information and library resources;

  • Creation of conditions to meet the intellectual, spiritual, moral, cultural and educational needs of the users;

  • ensuring the mutual use of the information and library resources based on information and communication technologies.






From Monday to Friday

8:00 to 11:00

Teshabaeva Umida Alimdjanovna

Deputy Director of informatsinno and library service

From Monday to Friday

8:00 to 11:00

Popular services



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Consideration of applications

Appointments to the leadership of the state body

