В связи с запуском новой версии портала прекращается техническая поддержка данной версии!!!
Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Agrobank”

43, Muqimiy str., Tashkent, 100096, Republic of Uzbekistan

Phone number: +99871 150-5372
The website: www.agrobank.uz
E-mail headoffice@agrobank.uz





The Republic of Karakalpakstan

230100, Nukus. A.Shomurotovoy Street, 101

+998 (61) 780-0064

Andijan region

170100, Andijan, Pushkin Street 47

+998 (74) 224-3120

Bukhara region

200107, Bukhara, street B.NAKSHBANDIY, 151/2

+998 (65) 223-7551

Jizzakh region

130100, Djizzak, street Baynalminalchilar, 18

+998 (72) 226-3340

Kashkadarya region

180100, Tashkent, Navoi Street, 2

+998 (75) 222-0036

Navoi region

0100, Navoi street ME'MORLAR 104

+998 (36) 770-3541

Namangan region

160108, Tashkent, street DUSTLIK 23

+998 (69) 224-5241

Samarkand region

140100, Samarkand, Saroy Kuk an area of 4

+998 (66) 210-0230

Surkhandarya region

190100, Termez, street A.Navai 9

+998 (76) 770-8132

Syrdarya region

120100, Gulistan, street Nasir Makhmudova 21

+998 (67) 225-0389

Tashkent region

100128, Tashkent, Street A. Kodiriy 9

+998 (70) 150-5405

Ferghana region

150100and Fergana, A.Navoi Street 11

+998 (73) 224-7979

Khorezm region

220100, Urgench, street, Al-Khorazmiy 25a

+998 (62) 226-2580

Tashkent city

100096, Tashkent, Tashkent district, street Mukimiy, 43

+998 (71) 120-8816

Functions Duties

  • providing comprehensive banking services to all businesses and individuals, as well as specific sectors: agribusiness, industry, construction, transport, trade, and other sectors of the economy, the corresponding economic small businesses, and farms and individual entrepreneurs;

  • attraction and accumulation of temporarily free funds for lending to the agricultural sector;

  • carrying out calculations and payments in the economy;

  • The organization of production and distribution of securities.

  • lending and providing comprehensive banking services to farmers engaged in the production of agricultural products;

  • consistent improvement of credit facilities and financing of agricultural producers, all kinds of enterprises, including enterprises cotton and grain industries, specializing in the processing, storage, transportation and sale of cotton and grain products;

  • Implementation of an active investment policy of land improvement, modernization, technical and technological renewal of production in agro-industries, attracting foreign advanced technology and equipment, thereby ensuring the production of high quality, competitive in the domestic and external markets, sustained saturation of the domestic domestic consumer market food products;

  • mobilization of own resources of the bank, raising funds and public enterprises by offering attractive new types of deposits, and their effective use, including the implementation of investment projects, ensuring the timeliness and completeness of the repayment of invested funds;

  • attraction of soft loans, investments and grants from international financial institutions and leading foreign banks for their refinancing agricultural producers and agro-industrial sector enterprises of the republic.





KHodjayev Saidkamol Saidkarimovich

Chairman of the Board


08.00 - 11.00

Mamatkulov Rustam Uktamovich

First Deputy Chairman of the Board


08.00 - 11.00

Achilov Murodjon Azamatovich

Deputy Chairman of the Board


08.00 - 11.00

- Deputy Chairman of the Board Everyday 08.00 - 11.00
Popular services



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