Address: |
Phone number: | +99871 150-5372 |
The website: | | |
Region |
Address: |
Telephone |
The Republic of Karakalpakstan |
230100, Nukus. A.Shomurotovoy Street, 101 |
+998 (61) 780-0064 |
Andijan region |
170100, Andijan, Pushkin Street 47 |
+998 (74) 224-3120 |
Bukhara region |
200107, Bukhara, street B.NAKSHBANDIY, 151/2 |
+998 (65) 223-7551 |
Jizzakh region |
130100, Djizzak, street Baynalminalchilar, 18 |
+998 (72) 226-3340 |
Kashkadarya region |
180100, Tashkent, Navoi Street, 2 |
+998 (75) 222-0036 |
Navoi region |
0100, Navoi street ME'MORLAR 104 |
+998 (36) 770-3541 |
Namangan region |
160108, Tashkent, street DUSTLIK 23 |
+998 (69) 224-5241 |
Samarkand region |
140100, Samarkand, Saroy Kuk an area of 4 |
+998 (66) 210-0230 |
Surkhandarya region |
190100, Termez, street A.Navai 9 |
+998 (76) 770-8132 |
Syrdarya region |
120100, Gulistan, street Nasir Makhmudova 21 |
+998 (67) 225-0389 |
Tashkent region |
100128, Tashkent, Street A. Kodiriy 9 |
+998 (70) 150-5405 |
Ferghana region |
150100and Fergana, A.Navoi Street 11 |
+998 (73) 224-7979 |
Khorezm region |
220100, Urgench, street, Al-Khorazmiy 25a |
+998 (62) 226-2580 |
Tashkent city |
100096, Tashkent, Tashkent district, street Mukimiy, 43 |
+998 (71) 120-8816 |
Functions | Duties |
Name |
Position |
Weekdays |
Time |
KHodjayev Saidkamol Saidkarimovich |
Chairman of the Board |
Saturday |
08.00 - 11.00 |
Mamatkulov Rustam Uktamovich |
First Deputy Chairman of the Board |
Everyday |
08.00 - 11.00 |
Achilov Murodjon Azamatovich |
Deputy Chairman of the Board |
Everyday |
08.00 - 11.00 |
- | Deputy Chairman of the Board | Everyday | 08.00 - 11.00 |