В связи с запуском новой версии портала прекращается техническая поддержка данной версии!!!
The State Testing Center

12, Bogishamol str., Tashkent, 100084, Republic of Uzbekistan

Phone number: +99871 200-19-14
The website: www.dtm.uz
E-mail info@dtm.uz
Functions Duties

  • develop and submit for approval by the State Commission for admission to educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan proposed to the procedure and the rules of admission to educational institutions;

  • Together with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan is developing criteria for evaluating the test results;

  • develop test materials, the level of which corresponds to the educational programs, and on that basis conducts test trials entrants to the educational institution;

  • Based on the analysis of the current and final assessment of students' knowledge and students evaluate the objectivity of the test and rating points, the quality of education, training, curricula and programs in all educational institutions in the country and submit proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers;

  • Develop and publish training manuals for people undergoing test trials.

  • implementation of the state policy in the field of selection test for admission to educational institutions of the Republic, monitoring the quality of training and objective assessment of the effectiveness of the educational process;

  • analysis of the consistency of knowledge of applicants, students with state educational standards and government regulations of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

  • improvement of the search and selection of talented young people;

  • Development of test materials, the level of which corresponds to the educational programs and conduct on the basis of their test runs entrants to the educational institution;

  • ensuring the objectivity, reliability and validity of test results.





Ismailov Jaxongir Gafurovich Director Friday 15:00-17:00

Imams Tolkien Turdialievich

deputy director



Nazarov Baysun Fayzillaevich

deputy director



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Consideration of applications

Appointments to the leadership of the state body

