В связи с запуском новой версии портала прекращается техническая поддержка данной версии!!!
Centre of hydrometeorological service at Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzhydromet)

72, K.Makhsumov str., Tashkent, 100052, Republic of Uzbekistan

Phone number: +99871 233-6180
The website: www.meteo.uz
E-mail uzhymet@meteo.uz
Region Address: Telephone E-mail

The Republic of Karakalpakstan

742000, Karakalpakstan, Nukus, GSP, Berdak shossesi,67


Andijan region

710000, Andijon, str Musayeva, 2


Bukhara region

705000, Bukhara, Bosh pochta AG'YA-207


Jizzakh region

708000, Jizzakh, p. Zilol


Kashkadarya region

730000, Karshi, sqr Uzbekiston, str Mustakillik, 3


Navoi region

706808, Navoi, str KHalklar Dustligi, OS-8, aG'ya 362


Namangan region

716036, Namangan, str A. Xujayeva 39


Samarkand region

703047, Samarkand 47, str Shelkovodnaya, 60


Surkhandarya region

732006, Termez-6, str Sh. Rashidov , 16


Syrdarya region

707000, Syrdarya region, Gulistan, str Sh. Rashidov, 54


Tashkent region

100052, Tashkent-52, str K Maksumova 72, Uzgidromet

Ferghana region

712000, Ferghana, str Iftixor 25


Khorezm region

740000, Urgench, str Bokhodirkhon, 182


Tashkent city

100052, Tashkent-52, str K Maksumova 72, Uzgidromet

Functions Duties

  • making proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers on the main directions of the state policy in the field of hydrometeorology;

  • collecting hydrometeorological information, analysis and synthesis;

  • development, operation and maintenance of the network of surface and upper-air meteorological observations, including the technical equipment for remote sensing;

  • Creation and maintenance of the data collection and quality control of observational data and process them in order to provide operational hydro-meteorological, climate and related services relating to the environment;

  • Establishment and operation of models and systems of hydrometeorological forecasting.

  • Development and improvement of the state of meteorological observations, hydrometeorological support sectors of the economy, the population and the armed forces of the republic;

  • Provision of public and economic administration of the Republic, enterprises, institutions and citizens with information about the actual and expected meteorological conditions and climate, the level of environmental pollution, emergency information about the occurrence of hazardous and extreme weather events;

  • formation and maintenance of the state Hydrometeorological data and public housing data on pollution of the environment;

  • Maintaining the established procedure of state registration of waters under the section "Surface water", coordination, direction, and the union of all the work of creating and maintaining state water cadastre;

  • Conduct systematic observations of the state of crops and pasture vegetation, the emergence and development of extreme weather events, air pollution, soil and surface water.

Full name Position Days of reception Time
Aripov Komiljon Mersaidovich Acting Director


Nishonov Bakhriddin Erkinovich

First Deputy Director



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