Licensing activities for the implementation of urban, suburban, intercity and international transport of passengers and goods by road.
Legal persons.
Address: 100128, Tashkent city., Zulfiyahanum, 3
Helplines territorial offices here: +998 (71) 244-29-97
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 138 of 14 July 2006 "On approval of the licensing provisions for the implementation of urban, suburban, intercity and international transport of passengers and goods by road".
For consideration by the licensing body of the application of the license applicant for a license fee of one minimum wage set by law .
State fee for the issue of licenses for urban, suburban , intercity and international transport of passengers and goods by road and the extension of their validity will be charged in the amount established by the Cabinet of Ministers.
When replenishing ( increase ) the number of vehicles state fee is charged for each additional license card .
The decision to issue a license to the applicant a license to carry out transport of passengers and goods by road, or refusal to grant a license shall be made within a period not exceeding fifteen days from the date of receipt of the application of the license applicant.
The licensing authority shall notify the license applicant of the decision within three working days after its adoption.
Notice of decision to issue a license sent (delivered) to the license applicant in writing with details of the bank account, the payment deadline of the state fee.
License for the implementation of urban, suburban, intercity and international transport of passengers and goods by road
The license may be refused on the grounds provided for in Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On licensing certain types of activities."
The license applicant has the right to appeal against the decision to refuse to issue a license, as well as actions (inaction) of an official of the licensing authority in the manner prescribed by law.