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SMS-Banking (OJCB “Qishloq Qurlish Bank”)
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Description of the service

The service is provided by a mobile device in terms of changes in the current account of the client.

Sphere of the service

Banking and Financial Services

Category of the service recipient

Individuals and legal entities.

The organization

Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Qishloq Qurilish Bank”



Documents required to get the service

Application Form.

Legal basis for service provision

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № DP-1730 from 21.03.2012.

Cost and method of payment for the service

According to the fees for the services of the bank.

Period of dealing with an application

According to the contract.

Methods for obtaining results

By a mobile device.

Result of the service

Connection to the service SMS Banking.

Reasons for refusal

Problems in the system.

Order of appeal

In accordance with established procedure.

Popular services



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Consideration of applications

Appointments to the leadership of the state body

