Ваш браузер не поддерживает регистрацию и использование Единого портала с ЭЦП.
Просим Вас установить специальный браузер для работы с ЭЦП.
On-line submission of the application for registration of business enterpreneurship subjects to form a limited trade company (LTD). The service is available with and without the use of a digital signature.
1 minimum wage.
No more 2 working days.
Without preliminary permission. The copies of documents issued by the user are sent to the office on a single portal and e-mail the applicant.
Obtain a certificate of state registration of legal entities, the constituent documents marked "registered" and a sketch of the seal and stamp, stamped by the registering authority.
In case of refusal the applicant may appeal to a higher authority in the prescribed manner provided for in the law.