В связи с запуском новой версии портала прекращается техническая поддержка данной версии!!!
To open deposits for individuals
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Description of the service

Opening deposits for individuals: conditions of opening and interest rates.

Sphere of the service

Banking and Financial Services

Category of the service recipient


The organization

National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Address: 100084 The Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Amir Temur street, 101

Phone: (+998 71) 233-60-70, (+998 71) 234-47-71, (+998 71) 235-90-60

Documents required to get the service

When you open a deposit in accordance with the Regulations of the Central Bank" On the procedure for deposit transactions in banks of Uzbekistan", registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 2205 from 04.03.2011. used forms of the following documents:

  • Application for account opening;

  • Deposit book;

  • Bank deposit agreement;

  • Card 's account;

  • Credit slip;

  • Notice subsequent monitoring;

  • Confirmation;

  • Log of contracts concluded on deposits accepted cashless;

  • Cashless pay-in slip.

Legal basis for service provision

  • The Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

  • Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On banks and banking activity ";

  • Instruction "On the bank accounts opened in banks of Uzbekistan", registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 1948 from 27.04.2009.;

  • Instruction of the Central Bank ," On the procedure for deposit transactions in banks of Uzbekistan", registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 2205 from 04.03.2011.) And change the number 1 to it, registered by the Ministry of Justice № 2205-1 ot16 November 2012.

Cost and method of payment for the service

Opening deposit is carried out without charge.

Period of dealing with an application

Deadline for the request is not installed.

The total term of deposit - 1 day

The maximum time allowed to serve one customer at the opening of deposit - 30 minutes.

Methods for obtaining results

By visiting the bank.

Result of the service

Opening deposits for individuals.

Reasons for refusal

The grounds for refusal of deposit are:

  • Inconsistency with the requirements of documents (incomplete list, improper filling);

  • Presence of information in the documents that do not conform to reality.

Order of appeal

Any client who has addressed in organization of bank for opening of the deposit, has the right to appeal of low-quality rendering service, having used telephone hotlines of National and Central banks, in writing addressed to a management of organization of the bank which has rendered service, district bank department, or Head bank.

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