В связи с запуском новой версии портала прекращается техническая поддержка данной версии!!!
Credits to individuals in national currency
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Description of the service

Providing individuals with information on bank credit of property, goods, works and services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Sphere of the service

Banking and Financial Services

Category of the service recipient


The organization

National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Address: 100084. 101, Amir Temur street, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

Phone: (+998 71) 233-60-70, (+998 71) 234-47-71, (+998 71) 235-90-60

Documents required to get the service

To obtain a credit it is requires completion and submit the following documents:

- application for a loan;

- credit agreement;

- contract to ensure timely repayment of the loan (mortgage, mortgage, mortgage, etc., in accordance with applicable law);

- other contracts and documents required for registration of the transaction in accordance with the current legislation of Uzbekistan, regulations CBU of the RUz. and the Bank.

Legal basis for service provision

Credit is granted in accordance with the current legislation of Uzbekistan, credit policy and internal regulations of the bank.

Cost and method of payment for the service

Interest on loans is set based on current legislation, regulatory requirements of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan, Credit Policy and internal regulations of the Bank and specified in the loan agreement.

Period of dealing with an application

Application processing time is set in accordance with the legal and regulatory framework applicable on the date of application.

Methods for obtaining results


Result of the service

Getting information about bank credit of property, goods, works and services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekista.

Reasons for refusal

The reasons for refusal to grant a loan to the borrower may be:

- incorrect information in submitted documents;

- negative credit history;

- insolvency of the borrower;

- other grounds established by the legislation of Uzbekistan, regulations CBU Credit policy and internal regulations of the Bank.

Order of appeal

In the case of unjustified failure in obtaining a loan, a person may apply to the superior organization of the branch or branches of the bank or the helpline.

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