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Acceptance of applications for the RFI strips allocation and equipment import in to the territory of the republic with the use of electronic digital signatures and providing applicants the opportunity to observe the process of interactive applications pas
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Description of the service

Decision-making of the Republic Council on Radio Frequency allocation bands (nominal) of radio frequencies for the developed (modernized), produced and purchased abroad electronic means and high-frequency devices.

Decision-making of the Republic Council for Radio Frequencies of the possibility of using electronic means and high-frequency devices in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Sphere of the service

Licensing and Permits

Category of the service recipient

Legal or physical entities Republic of Uzbekistan, including foreign ones, as well as diplomatic missions, consular offices of foreign countries, representatives of international organizations and persons without citizenship, developing, producing and importing from overseas electronic systems and tools for their application in the territory of Uzbekistan, including electronic warfare ships, aircraft and spacecraft, under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and earth stations operating via satellites of other countries, and also used two-way radios during the research and experimental work, regardless of the ownership of these assets and devices and forms of ownership to them.

The organization

Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Address: 100047, Tashkent, prct Amir Temur, 4, Block 5.

Telephone: +998 (71) 238-43-24, +998 (71) 238-41-79, +998 (71) 238-43-11, +998 (71) 238-43-50

Fax: +998 (71) 238-43-24

E-mail: orirchs@mitc.uz

Documents required to get the service

Applicant provides application, including a letter and an explanatory note to the National Council for Radio Frequencies - The State Committee for Communications, Information and Telecommunication Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Summary of information about the appointed (application, service area) Radio Electronic means and high-frequency electronic devices that requests the RFI strips, the user, the area of use and claimed bandwidth (ratings) radio is indicated in a free letter format.

Indicate the following in the explanatory note:

a) For radio electronic equipment - complete tactical and technical data (further- TTD) and network configurations scheme. TTD form is available on www.ccitt.uz, as well as in the annex to the Regulation "On the procedure for allocation of strips (nominal) for the development of radio frequency (modernization), production in the Republic of Uzbekistan and import from abroad electronic means and high-frequency devices for all purposes" (reg. №1399-1 MJ Uzbekistan from 20.08.2004);

b) For high frequency devices- list of high-frequency devices

Legal basis for service provision

  • Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the radio spectrum» №725-I from 25.12.1998

  • Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Improvement of the management and use of radio spectrum" # PP-2053 22.10.2013,

  • Regulations "On the order of allocation bands (nominal) for the development of radio frequency (modernization), production in the Republic of Uzbekistan and import from abroad electronic means and high-frequency devices for all purposes" (reg.MYu Uzbekistan №1399 from 20.08.2004).

Cost and method of payment for the service

Preparation of Solutions of the National Council on Radio Frequencies and the response letter is free of charge.

Period of dealing with an application

The decision of the National Council for Radio Frequencies prepared within 30 working days of receipt of the application of radio frequency - for radio-electronic means, without requiring coordination with neighboring states, and 120 days - if you need an agreement with the neighboring states.

Methods for obtaining results

Personally or through a personal account in the Unified portal of interactive services, or e-mail.

Result of the service

Allocation of Frequencies for bands developed (modernized), produced and purchased abroad electronic means and high-frequency devices;

Resolution on the use of electronic means and high-frequency devices in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Reasons for refusal

The grounds for refusal to provide public services are:

- The absence of the person who applied for the service, the right to receive it, or the authority to act on behalf of another person;

- Discrepancy of documents specified requirements (non-exhaustive list, improper filling of form);

- Availability of the documents submitted information that is untrue;

- Fails person to apply for services, certain requirements;

- Employment requested bands (nominal) of radio frequencies;

- Mismatch of technical parameters of radio electronic means and high-frequency devices and the requirements of the standards established in the country.

Order of appeal

The applicant has the right to appeal against poor-quality provision of services to the Department of spectrum management, the management of the State Committee for Communications, Information and Telecommunication Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the higher the organization to court.

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Consideration of applications

Appointments to the leadership of the state body

