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Accepting applications for the development of normative documents in the sphere of information security
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Description of the service

On the development of normative documents in the sphere of information security.

Sphere of the service

Information Technology and Communications

Category of the service recipient

Bodies of state and economic management, public authorities in the field, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

The organization

Center for information security


Address: 100069, Tashkent, Almazar district, st. Karaserai, 282a

Phone: +99871 252-50-47

Documents required to get the service

An official letter of application to the Director of the name of the service.

Legal basis for service provision

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on 16 September 2013 №250 "On Measures for the Operation of the Center for Development of" e-government "and the Center for information security under the State Committee of communication, information and communication technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

Cost and method of payment for the service

The cost of services described in the contract

Period of dealing with an application

Deadlines stipulated in the contract for the provision of services.

Methods for obtaining results

E manners.

Result of the service

Provision of Legal Acts to the applicant.

Reasons for refusal

Non-compliance of documents with the requirements.

Order of appeal

Appeal with an official letter to the head of the Center for State information security.

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Consideration of applications

Appointments to the leadership of the state body

