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Submission of applications for payment terminals in commercial banks.
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Description of the service

Submission of applications for payment terminals in commercial banks.

Sphere of the service

Banking and Financial Services

Category of the service recipient

Service is available for authorized representatives of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs registered on a single portal.

The organization


National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 101, A.Timur str., Tashkent, 100084, www.nbu.uz, (8371) 235-56-09, ARasulov@central.nbu.com

Qishloq qurilish Bank, 18-A, A.Navoi str., Tashkent, 100011, www.qqb.uz, (8371) 150-76-47, toshboev@qqb.uz

Uzsanoatqurilishbank, 3, Shahrisabz str., Tashkent, 100000, www.uzpsb.uz, (8371) 233-11-60, a.grinko@uzpsb.uz

Agrobank, 43, Muqimiy str., Tashkent, 100096, www.agrobank.uz, (8371) 120-88-05, z_mamajonov@agrobank.uz

Mikrokreditbank, 14, Lutfiy str., Tashkent, 100096, www.mikrokreditbank.uz, (8371) 150-56-47, info@mikrokreditbank.uz

Xalk Bank, 46, Kаtortol str., Tashkent, 100096, www.xb.uz, (8371) 273-93-33, (8371) 278-00-02, info@xb.uz

Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Savdogarbank”, Tashkent, str. Said Baraka, 78, www.savdogarbank.uz, (8371) 254-24-34, plastcard@savdogarbank.uz

Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Turonbank”, 100011, Tashkent, Shaikhontokhur district, Abai Street, 4a, www.turonbank.uz, (8371) 144-68-86, khodjakulov_o@turonbank.uz

Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Hamkorbank”, Andijan. Babur avenue. 85, www.hamkorbank.uz, (8374) 235-48-63, info@hamkorbank.uz

"Asaka" Bank, 67, Nukus str., Tashkent, 100015, www.asakabank.uz, (8371) 120-81-79, askabank00873@umail.uz

Joint Stock Innovation Commercial Bank "Ipak Yuli", 100017. Tashkent, A.Kadyri street. 2, www.ipakyulibank.com, (8371) 140-69-34, s.agzamkhodjaev@ipakyulibank.uz

Joint Stock bank "Uzbekistan - Turkish bank", Str. Bunyodkor 15 B, Code 100043 Tashkent, www.utbank.uz, (8371) 273-83-25, utbank@utbk.com

Private Joint Stock Exchange Bank “Trustbank”, 100011, 7 Navoi Street, Shaykhontokhurskiy District, City of Tashkent, 100011, www.trustbank.uz, (8371) 239-36-36, n.mirzamuhammedov@trustbank.uz

Joint-Stock Commercial "Aloqabank", 100047, Tashkent, Muribod district, Amir Temur Avenue, 4, www.aloqabank.uz, (8371) 233-47-94, info@aloqabank.uz

Ipoteka Bank, 17, Mustаqillik str., Tashkent, 100000, www.ipotekabank.uz , (8371) 150 98 23, office@ipotekabank.uz

Private Joint Stock commercial bank "KDB Bank Uzbekistan", Oybek Str., 100015, Tashkent, www.kdb.uz, (8371) 120-80-00, timur.mannanov@kdb.uz

Private Joint Stock Commercial Investment Bank “Turkiston”, 100208, Tashkent, Uchtepa district, Zargarlik street, 48a, www.turkistonbank.uz, (8371) 236-01-28, info@hd.turkistonbank.uz

"Bank Saderat Iran Tashkent", 100060, Tashkent, Chekhov street,10, www.saderbank.uz, (8371) 252-11-61

Private Joint Stock Commercial Bank “Universalbank”, 150700, Kokand, Shohuxobod street, ww.universalbank.uz, (8373) 552-98-05, info@universalbank.uz

Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Kapitalbank", 100047, Tashkent, Yunusobod district, Sayilgoh street, 7, www.kapitalbank.uz, (8371) 129-79-79, cards@kapitalbank.uz

Private Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Ravnaqbank”, Tashkent, 100021, st. Furqat 2, www.ravnaqbank.uz, (8371) 202-33-33, info@ravnaqbank.uz

Private Joint Stock commercial bank "Davr Bank", 100011, Tashkent, Shayhontohur district, st. A.Navoiy-Zarqaynar, Block "A", www.davrbank.uz, (8371) 276-73-20

Private Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Invest Finance Bank”, 100011, city of Tashkent, Navoi str., 18b, www.infinbank.uz, (8371) 140-50-84, e.sadullaeva@infinbank.com

Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Asia Alliance Bank”, 100047, Toshkent sh., Taraqqiyot ko'chasi, 2A, www.aab.uz , (8371) 231-60-85, alimatov.javlonbek@aab.uz

Private Joint Stock commercial bank "Hi-Tech Bank", 100060, Tashkent, Mirabad district, st.Tarasa Shevchenko 36A, 36B, www.htb.uz, (8371) 150-33-66, info@htb.uz

Private Joint Stock commercial bank "Orient Finans", 100029, Tashkent,
Mirabad district, st. Yakkachinor 7a, www.ofb.uz, (8371) 140-70-00

Documents required to get the service

  1. Passport copy of an individual entrepreneur or an authorized representative of the legal entity (attach in electronic form);

  2. Copy of the certificate of state registration of business entity (attach in electronic form).

Legal basis for service provision

  1. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 445 dated of 24 September 2004"On measures for further development of the settlement system based on plastic cards."

  2. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PP-1090 dated April 6, 2009 "On additional measures to further stimulation of attraction of free funds of population and economic entities on deposits in commercial banks."

  3. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PP-1325 dated 19 April 2010 "On additional measures to stimulate the development of the payment system in using bankcards".

  4. Regulation "On the procedure of equipment and use of payment terminals in the implementation of monetary settlements with a population" approved by Resolution of the Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 18/1 and State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MU № 1986 dated on July 27, 2009).

Cost and method of payment for the service

Payment for the service provided through the single portal is not charged.

Period of dealing with an application

Receipt of a payment terminal in a commercial bank is carried out not later than 30 calendar days after submission of the required documents and their compliance with the law.

Methods for obtaining results

On the Single portal and personally.

Result of the service

The result of this Service is to notify the applicant about receipt of application and specify the time of meeting with commercial banks, which are serving to sign the agreement for opening of the terminal accounts.

Reasons for refusal

Incomplete or incorrectly completed application form.

Order of appeal

The applicant has the right to appeal for failure to provide services within established timeframe, as well as actions (inaction) of the banks responsible executive in accordance with the legislation.

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