An online application for obtaining technical conditions for connection to the district heating network in Tashkent
Individuals and legal entities
Tashkent, Shaikhantakhur district, Furkat Street, 1.
For newly constructed objects:
- calculation of planned thermal loads by type of consumption (heating, ventilation, hot water for domestic use, hot water for technological needs), designed by a licensed organization;
- cartographic material, indicating the location of the construction site, issued Gosarkhitektstroy.
For redesigning and reconstructing objects with the change in the volume of heat load:
- calculation of planned thermal loads by type of consumption (heating, ventilation, hot water for domestic use, hot water for technological needs), designed by a licensed organization.
Appendix №2 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan №245 dated August 22, 2019;
Appendix №1 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan №194 dated July 15, 2014
free of charge
Within 2 weeks
A notification is forwarded to the user's personal account on the Single portal
Obtaining technical specifications (TS) for connection to the district heating network in Tashkent
- Failure to submit or incomplete set of documents and information, provided by service regulations;
- The unreliability of the documents submitted;
- Lack of technical connectivity (eg, lack of heating networks in the home location of the object, the power shortage in the heat source, the distance from the heat source, etc.);
- Other restrictions stipulated by law.
An applicant has the right to appeal against the decision of an official institution in the order established by law.