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Resolution Cabinet of Ministers On organization of activity of publishing and printing stock company "Shark" [Extract]
In accordance with the Presidential Decree of October 16, 2000 № UP-2737 "On the transformation of publishing and printing concern" Shark "at the Administrative office of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the publishing and printing of a joint stock company" Shark "Cabinet Decides: 1. Approve the organizational structure of publishing and printing joint-stock company "Shark" and the structure of its executive office with the utmost number of employees 85 units (unattended) applications according to number 1 and number 2. Determine that the Director General Joint Stock Company "Shark" is appointed by the Supervisory Board of the company in the prescribed manner, subject to approval by the Cabinet of Ministers in consultation with the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Deputy Directors are appointed by the Supervisory Board of the Company subject to approval by the Cabinet of Ministers in due course. (Second paragraph of paragraph 1, as amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 5, 2010 № 108 - NW RU, 2010, № 23, p. 183) 2. Establish that the initial authorized capital of joint-stock company "Shark" is formed by transferring to it: property converted concern "Shark", except for the cost of administrative buildings in accordance with Annex 3 number transmitted to the balance of Tashkent city administration; controlling stakes in subsidiaries of corporations owned by the state, as well as stakes in state-owned joint stock companies - participants associated company, according to the application number 4. Determine that the members of the joint-stock company "Shark" subsidiary joint stock companies are legal entities. 3. Tashkent city administration to transfer stock company "Shark" office buildings, according to the appendix number 3, for permanent use, free of rent. 4. The following procedure offering of shares in joint-stock company "Shark": share, stored in a state ownership - 51 percent; share distributed among the members of the personnel - 5 percent; share designed for free sale - 44 percent, including the implementation of the foreign investor - not less than 25 percent. 5. Take note that: (Second and third paragraphs, paragraph 5, excluded by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 5, 2009 № 153 - NW RU, 2009, № 24, p. 270) on the basis of constituent documents of joint ventures "Shark World", "Shark Electronics" and "Grand Furnichur Afrasiab" converted into foreign enterprises, providing them with their premises for rent. 7. GKI of Uzbekistan: within a month, ensure that the established procedure of the constituent assembly joint stock company "Shark", the formation of the governing bodies and the approval of its charter; before December 1, 2000 to implement the corporatization of state enterprises, according to the appendix number 4, the transfer of state-owned stakes in these companies in the Company's authorized capital "Shark". 8. Recognize the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers on February 29, 1992 № 92. 9. The enforcement of this decision to assign to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan UT Sultanov.
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Karimov
Tashkent, October 23, 2000, Number 411

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